One of the best ways to take in all of the amazing architecture Chicago has to offer, while also learning a little bit about the city's history, is to take an architectural boat tour.
Category Archives: Photography & Video
It's always great to get away on a long holiday weekend, using it as an excuse to make the quick trek up to one of our favorite weekend get-away locations: Vancouver, British Columbia. Other than some dinner reservations, we didn't have much planned for the weekend, which allowed our mood and the weather to dictate the rest; and what we ended up with was reasonable weather that didn't force us inside, along with some outstanding and memorable meals.
Willows Inn – Part Deux
Even though my birthday was months away I always use it as an excuse to eat some great food. This year was a milestone I wasn't quite ready to admit to, so it required something extra special, and Willows Inn seemed like the perfect choice to satisfy my criteria.
Nisqually Wildlife Refuge – Seasons
For some time now we've been making regular pilgrimages to the Nisqually Wildlife Refuge to capture the abundance of wildlife there.
Angels Rest – Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
No matter what I write about Angels Rest, it will sound clichéd. Everything I do write about it here, however, is true.
Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
As our time in Kanab wore on we'd find ourselves driving frequently past the entrance to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, and we knew at some point we needed to pay a visit.
With Springdale to its west and Moab to its east, both flourishing from several decades of tourist boom, Kanab still seems like a forgotten step-child - unwilling or unable to catch up.
White Pocket
When I asked William James, manager for Dreamland Safari Tours, which day tour he recommended, he quickly replied, "White Pocket. It's an alien planet!"
Cedar Breaks National Monument
Cedar Breaks is every bit as beautiful and engaging as its big sister, Bryce Canyon, only smaller in size.
Zion National Park
Following a now established ritual of beginning our daily treks with coffee at The Rock Stop in Orderville, we decided to spend the next two days in and around Zion National Park.