Push-pull, love-hate, yin-yang. No other city effects on me the way New York does. First of several posts looking back on a recent visit.
Author Archives: craig
Wolf Haven
In October we had the opportunity to visit Wolf Haven. Recently accredited by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS), their mission is to "conserve and protect wolves and their habitat" while also providing "sanctuary for displaced, captive-born wolves."
Global March for Elephants and Rhinos
Last weekend people from around the globe gathered to participate in the Global March for Elephants and Rhinos, whose purpose is to raise awareness about the dramatic decline of some of the world's most iconic megafauna at the hands of men.
Return to Young’s Hill
A few weeks ago we were given the opportunity to once again visit Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest as part of a summer program that allows donors to get a closer look at the work they do in providing sanctuary to the seven chimpanzees in their care.
The Aviary + Next Restaurant
I'm staring at the photos I took of our drinks and dinner at Chicago's The Aviary and Next Restaurant, and everything looks delicious and inviting. Why then did I leave the table feeling underwhelmed and dissatisfied with that night?
Nisqually Wildlife Refuge – Seasons
For some time now we've been making regular pilgrimages to the Nisqually Wildlife Refuge to capture the abundance of wildlife there.
Woodland Park Zoo to Elephants: Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
"It's unconscionable," says Alyne Fortgang of Friends of Woodland Park Zoo Elephants. "There are no words and we hope that the mayor and city council will step up on behalf of the people and pass a resolution to send the elephants to sanctuary."
Open Letter to King County Councilmember Larry Phillips
Open letter to King County Councilmember Larry Phillips regarding Bamboo and Chai, the elephants on exhibit at Woodland Park Zoo.
Angels Rest – Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
No matter what I write about Angels Rest, it will sound clichéd. Everything I do write about it here, however, is true.
Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
As our time in Kanab wore on we'd find ourselves driving frequently past the entrance to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, and we knew at some point we needed to pay a visit.