Dear Virginia

Dear Virginia*,

Kwazuwai!  Wakadini?  Dayube?  Tiripo, tatenda.  Ndiri kufara, shamwari.  Africa, chakanaka!  Ndi nokuda, Africa.  Seattle… chakashata, suwa.  Makadini, shumba?  Penya, Paza, Lewa, Laili, Wakanaka, Milo!  Fambe ne shumba, chakanaka!  Wakanaka shumba!  Ini potsa fambe ne shumba.  Ini ita zano.  Eee!  Hey Virginia, unga tamba nenei heri?  Ha, ha!  Urikusaykay!  Ha!  Tinenge takakumirira pakare.  Wosara zvakanakaso.  Chisirei!


* Dear Virginia,

As promised, my letter!  Please forgive my poor attempt at writing to you in Shona.  I’m sure I’ve horribly mangled your wonderful language in doing so, and can only hope it’s not too embarrassing to read.  I very much appreciate you taking the time to teach it to us.  Chakanaka, Shona!  Say hello to all the wonderful ladies in the laundry for me, and to everyone else at AP.  And give the P’s and L’s a hug for me next time you see them, okay?  Hope to see you soon!

Your friend,

P.S.  I was serious about the dancing thing!

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