At seventy-one years old, Shiro works just three nights a week. One of those was a recent Friday when, for my birthday dinner, Craig and I dutifully lined up forty-five minutes prior to opening and breathed a sigh of relief when we realized we'd get two of the eleven seats at the sushi bar.
Monthly Archives: May 2013
The Price of Greed
Its face hacked off while still alive and conscious, left to die a slow and immeasurably painful death; it's difficult to watch, I'll admit that. But it's also necessary. People need to understand in the starkest terms what is taking place day in and day out in the name of greed.
Killing Joke – Live at Neumos, April 30th, 2013
"We could have gone in a different direction (with Jason)," Killing Joke frontman Jaz Coleman is telling me, using both hands to create a V illustrating two separate paths. "Who knows where things would've taken us."
Miku Restaurant
I started my search for the best sushi restaurants in Vancouver, and the one that everyone seemed to be writing about was Miku. With little exception, people raved about Miku for their food, service, and décor. And while expensive, most reviewers and bloggers seemed to think it was well worth the price of admission.
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – April 6th-7th, 2013
It’s been one month and I’m just beginning to come down from seeing Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds perform live two nights in a row. A band that gets into my soul like no other, only by being surrounded in the live presence of their music can I begin to understand and appreciate their songs and what the band intended.