"It's unconscionable," says Alyne Fortgang of Friends of Woodland Park Zoo Elephants. "There are no words and we hope that the mayor and city council will step up on behalf of the people and pass a resolution to send the elephants to sanctuary."
Tag Archives: glamour beasts
Woodland Park Zoo Announces Elephant Exhibit Expansion Because “Conservation”
It is time for Woodland Park Zoo to come out of the Dark Ages and join the rest of us in recognizing that elephants do not belong in zoos, that elephants in zoos do not add to the cause of conservation nor are elephant exhibits an act of conservation, and that they're not fooling anyone by claiming otherwise.
Just Walk Away
"The Task Force consists primarily of lay people with little to no prior expertise regarding the Earth's largest terrestrial animal." Excerpt from the Final Report of the Woodland Park Zoo Elephant Task Force.
Task Farce
Not ten minutes into the second meeting of the Woodland Park Zoo's Elephant Task Force on May 28th and it was becoming sadly clear what direction things were heading, and what that meant in regards to saving the zoo's three elephants, Bamboo, Watoto, and Chai.
Open Letter to Woodland Park Zoo’s Elephant Exhibit & Program Task Force
Is the Woodland Park Zoo's Elephant Exhibit & Program Task Force just a dog and pony show? Or, will they actively solicit a variety of opinions from experts and others not associated with Woodland Park Zoo or otherwise brought forward by Woodland Park Zoo? Further, will they curtail Woodland Park Zoo's undue influence on the proceedings and work for the best interests of the elephants involved, not just the zoo's?