"Much of what we've talked about this evening, and much of what we've talked about at previous meetings, is really from the Zoo's perspective. I would think that one of the most powerful ways to further [the Zoo's mission statement regarding] education is by not losing sight of the fact that we are also talking about particular animals at the Zoo currently in an exhibit that is arguably inadequate." -Annette Laico (Woodland Park Zoo Elephant Task Force Member).
Tag Archives: elephants
Perspective (Four Slides)
Four slides showing the dramatically different amounts of space available to Watato, Bamboo, and Chai at Woodland Park Zoo versus what would be available for them at The Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald, Tennesee. For decades these three elephants have had only the same tiny one-acre unchanged exhibit to call home. At The Elephant Sanctuary they would have 2,700 acres.
To Save Them We Must Enslave Them
If Woodland Park Zoo President Deborah Jensen is to be believed, the Zoo and its elephant exhibit are all that stand between wild elephants surviving as a species and their ultimate extinction. Because to save them we must enslave them.
Open Letter to Seattle City Mayor and Council Regarding Woodland Park Zoo’s Elephant Task Force
Dear Mayor McGinn and Seattle City Councilmembers: Is it now your position to remain conspicuously silent while the Woodland Park Zoo Elephant Task Force (better referred to as a "task farce") conducts its meetings and rubber stamps the zoo's intention of keeping Watoto, Bamboo, and Chai behind bars for the rest of their days for the amusement of a paying public?
Task Farce
Not ten minutes into the second meeting of the Woodland Park Zoo's Elephant Task Force on May 28th and it was becoming sadly clear what direction things were heading, and what that meant in regards to saving the zoo's three elephants, Bamboo, Watoto, and Chai.
An Apology to Elephants
On Monday, April 22nd, HBO will air An Apology to Elephants, narrated by Lily Tomlin and directed by Emmy winner Amy Schatz.
Open Letter to Woodland Park Zoo’s Elephant Exhibit & Program Task Force
Is the Woodland Park Zoo's Elephant Exhibit & Program Task Force just a dog and pony show? Or, will they actively solicit a variety of opinions from experts and others not associated with Woodland Park Zoo or otherwise brought forward by Woodland Park Zoo? Further, will they curtail Woodland Park Zoo's undue influence on the proceedings and work for the best interests of the elephants involved, not just the zoo's?
Mr. Tambourine Man
In ALERT founder Andrew Conolly is a dogged determination to overcome whatever obstacle is in front of him; a drive that can easily be mistaken for stubborn foolishness at first glance. At the same time, there can also be a frustrating amount of contradiction.
Antelope Park
A few photos (panoramic and otherwise) of some non-lion sights at Antelope Park.
Extinction Means Forever
"There are an estimated 35,000 elephants being killed in Africa each year. That's 10% of the population every year. There are now just an estimated 20,000 lions left in Africa. That's a 75% drop in the last 20 years. At the current rate, there will be no elephants or lions left in the African wilds within 15 years."