No matter what I write about Angels Rest, it will sound clichéd. Everything I do write about it here, however, is true.
Tag Archives: best friends animal sanctuary
Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
As our time in Kanab wore on we'd find ourselves driving frequently past the entrance to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, and we knew at some point we needed to pay a visit.
With Springdale to its west and Moab to its east, both flourishing from several decades of tourist boom, Kanab still seems like a forgotten step-child - unwilling or unable to catch up.
Forever – One Reporter’s Opinion
There is an unquantifiable magic for me about the desert. Beyond the breathtaking and commanding vistas is a feeling of being in a place that is removed from everywhere else; a space that feels out of time, and one that is a shelter from the hobgoblins of life with their sharp teeth and anxious appetites.