“Lions can sometimes give you a certain look when you’re out with them. We call it ‘the naughty look.’ They focus on you intensely, ears back, pupils narrowed. It’s difficult to describe what that look is, exactly; but believe me, you’ll know it if you get it."
Tag Archives: ALERT
Faraway, So Close!
The time has come to end the begin. Packed (hopefully), ready (mostly), excited (definitely!) - we're off to the airport and on towards another country on another continent in a different hemisphere to begin an adventure that will take us halfway around the world and back, literally.
While We’re Away (Lion Country, Series 2)
Lion Country Series 2
While We’re Away (Lion Country, Series 1)
Lion Country Series 1
Off They Go!
Dambwa Pride released!
Eight Trips for Animal Lovers
Recently, CNN-GO published a list of eight worldwide travel destinations for people looking to get more out of their vacations than a few pictures and a suntan, and we were delighted to see that among the animal volunteer opportunities listed was ALERT's Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Lion Rehabilitation and Release Program.
BREAKING NEWS: Meet the Dambwa Pride
We were surprised and very happy to hear the news this weekend that ALERT is gearing up to release their second pride into a purpose-built enclosure at their Livingstone, Zambia, location.
Meet the Ngamo Pride
September 1st will mark the one year anniversary of the release of the Ngamo Pride.
ALERT – A Primer
The African Lion & Environmental Research Trust works with all sectors of society throughout Africa to promote the development of sustainable lion conservation management plans. ALERT is proud to foster partnerships with stakeholders to collaboratively develop and implement African solutions to African challenges. ALERT promotes community action by raising awareness, motivating and empowering people to protect and restore their environment and improve livelihoods.