You either get the point of Africa or you don't. If you can't get past the fear of animals, of poverty, the juggernaut of nature, then you probably won't. But if you do stand in it and smell it and listen to it, then it will be one of the biggest, most profound and powerful things you will ever feel.
Category Archives: Africa
Profiles – Bruce Colin
Kim + Craig: How do you explain the spell places like Africa cast on you to someone who hasn’t traveled there? Bruce Colin: It is the light, the quality of light. That is the magical ingredient for me.
Profiles – Kirsty Lynas
The second time I met Kirsty was during our first encounter with the Ngamo Pride. In the back of a Land Rover watching this very unique group of lions go about their daily routine, I spent as much time watching Milo and Co. as I did paying attention to Kirsty – how effortlessly she recognized each lion, her understanding of each lion’s place in the pride’s hierarchy, her unbridled giddiness at being witness to a long and luxurious grooming session between several of the lionesses, and the way she notated every behavior of each lion in detail. Meticulous detail. It was obvious Kirsty was in her element out in the Ngamo release site, and it felt like having pitch side seats at a cup final.
Profiles – Cliff Schmidt of Literacy Bridge
The Talking Book is a deceptively simple device, but one that carries a hefty punch. Its purpose? To bring accessible knowledge in an oral form on issues of health, agriculture, maternity, and other topics, for people who might not otherwise have access."There is one thematic idea here," says Literacy Bridge Executive Director Cliff Schmidt. "Illiteracy is preventing people from leading healthy lives and increasing their income and productivity."
Know Languages, Know Countries, Know People
It's official: we're returning to Africa!
Africa or Bust! Featured in Getaway Magazine
Getaway Magazine has invited Africa or Bust! to be contributing blog writers for their wonderful travel blog, and to share some of the stories, advice, and lessons learned from our honeymoon travels in Africa.
Africa or Bust! Photos Featured in Traveling Greener
Traveling Greener has been kind enough to feature a selection of our lion photos in their Green Photos section, and we're so very happy to see Milo, Moyo, Wakanaka, Lewa + Laili, the Southern Coalition, and the Honeymoon Pride featured alongside other great photos of penguins, sea turtles, sharks, and rhinos. It warms our heart to be back alongside our lion friends in Africa on an otherwise cold and snowy day here at home.
Africa or Bust! Awarded Blog of the Week
Well, color us happy! We've been awarded GoAbroad's Blog of the Week. How awesome is that? Pretty [redacted] awesome!
Coda (Home Is Where You Get Across)
And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so? I did. And what did you want? To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the earth.
My Favorite Things
A list of some, but by no means all, of the many animals we were lucky enough to witness while in Africa, and even luckier to recall.