Earlier this afternoon Woodland Park Zoo announced that its only African elephant, Watoto, had been euthanized.
Category Archives: Conservation & Activism
Children & Nature Conservation Zimbabwe Trust
Conceived and started by native Zimbabwean Evans Mabiza, the Children and Nature Conservation Zimbabwe Trust is a young project that primarily revolves around going to schools and teaching conservation lessons. But there is also a wildlife research element to it.
Remembering Hansa
On Saturday, June 7th, several dozen supporters of Friends of Woodland Park Zoo Elephants gathered at the Zoo's west entrance under the mid-morning sun of a beautiful spring day to hold a silent vigil in memory of the seventh anniversary of the death of baby elephant Hansa.
Profiles – Alyne Fortgang + Nancy Pennington
"It's gotten to the point where the Zoo can no longer ignore the science of elephants, and they can't ignore public opinion. And at this point, they can no longer ignore the media. The time has come for the Zoo to finally take care of the problem and let the elephants go." -Alyne Fortgang
Profiles – Barb Hautanen
"As a child, I would spin my globe with my eyes shut, then I'd touch it to stop the spinning, open my eyes and wherever my finger landed I said to myself that I would go there." -Barb Hautanen
Woodland Park Zoo Announces Elephant Exhibit Expansion Because “Conservation”
It is time for Woodland Park Zoo to come out of the Dark Ages and join the rest of us in recognizing that elephants do not belong in zoos, that elephants in zoos do not add to the cause of conservation nor are elephant exhibits an act of conservation, and that they're not fooling anyone by claiming otherwise.
Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand: Not Guilty!
On February 27th a court of appeals in Thailand ruled in favor of Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand, finding WFFT, Edwin Wiek, and Jansaeng Sangnanork not guilty of illegal wildlife possession and other crimes after the government raided the conservation organization over a ten day period in February, 2012, confiscating ninety-nine animals in the process.
The Dogs and Cats of BLES and ENP
They were an anxious lot, and there was nowhere to go but straight into their ranks. Would we be greeted as friend or foe? Welcomed warmly or despised? I took a deep breath and, hoping for the best, opened the truck door and stepped out. That's when the mob surged forward.
Elephant Profiles – The Gossip Girls
Each morning Wassana, Lotus, and Pang Dow, aka the Gossip Girls, strolled past us on their way to eat the banana feast we had gathered for them. When these three lovely ladies get together there is much squeaking and trumpeting because, like all close girlfriends, they enjoying sharing secrets, laughing, and doing a bit of gossiping while they eat a great meal together.
Profiles – Katherine Connor
Boon Lott's Elephant Sanctuary founder Katherine Connor could best be described as a peaceful protester utilizing non-violent resistance, diplomacy, love, and kindness as her weapons of choice. She sees the good in people even as she describes the horrors of the abuses she has witnessed by humans towards elephants throughout the country.