We wanted to share two videos with you which we feel helps illustrate the terrible cost many of Africa’s iconic animals face from poaching. The first is a clip from Big Life Foundation and the work they’re doing in East Africa to fight poachers and help save elephants and other animals. Big Life was co-founded by photographer extraordinaire Nick Brandt. The second is a trailer from The Price, directed by Melinda MacInnis and Matt Fife, and filmed by Emmy-winning cinematographer John Mann of Whale Wars and National Geographic’s Great Migrations fame. This feature-length documentary, scheduled for a 2013 release, focuses on the threat rhinos face from an international black market that values their horns as being, ounce-for-ounce, worth more than gold.For most of history, man has had to fight nature to survive; in this century he is beginning to realize that, in order to survive, he must protect it.
-Jacques-Yves Cousteau.
Both are heartbreaking, but both contain hope in that they’re reminders that we can make a difference if we so choose. So please, stand up and help be that difference, regardless how small your part may be. Help make the world a better place by defending those who cannot defend themselves against such unspeakable cruelty. Because extinction means forever.