Our favorite snowshoeing spot hidden away in the Cascade Mountains
Some have their favorite fishing hole, others a favorite campsite, or trail, or a quiet place to lose themselves in the sunset, kept secret from the public at large and whose location is known only to them. We have our favorite snowshoeing spot, and for the four years that we’ve been climbing up and down this part of the Cascades I can count on one hand the number of people we’ve run into along the way. For the past two years that number would be zero. A few backcountry ski tracks here, some scattered snowshoe tracks there. Finding those who made them has proven more elusive than the hares and other wildlife we share the snowy woods with, and is not something we’re exceptionally keen on doing. It’s the perfect escape, and at times a much-needed one for us. Out of the city and up into the snow, quiet but for the sound of our snowshoes breaking trail. With a late winter resurgence happening here in the Pacific Northwest we’ve been enjoying as much time as possible out at our little getaway in the mountains. I won’t tell you where this wonderful winterland is exactly, but I will share a few of the pictures we’ve taken over the past two years.
(Click on a pic to embiggen and view the full gallery.)