It is time for Woodland Park Zoo to come out of the Dark Ages and join the rest of us in recognizing that elephants do not belong in zoos, that elephants in zoos do not add to the cause of conservation nor are elephant exhibits an act of conservation, and that they're not fooling anyone by claiming otherwise.
Monthly Archives: March 2014
Winter Wonderland
Some have their favorite fishing hole, others a favorite campsite, or trail, or quiet place to lose themselves in the sunset, kept secret from the public at large and whose location is known only to them. We have our favorite snowshoeing spot.
Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand: Not Guilty!
On February 27th a court of appeals in Thailand ruled in favor of Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand, finding WFFT, Edwin Wiek, and Jansaeng Sangnanork not guilty of illegal wildlife possession and other crimes after the government raided the conservation organization over a ten day period in February, 2012, confiscating ninety-nine animals in the process.